What mosaic plaster to use on exterior facade?

They are durable and easy to maintain. Available in a ready-to-use plaster compound. No wonder why mosaic plasters are successfully used on exterior facades. How to apply them? And what are they really made of?

Mosaic plasters called also “aggregate” plasters. These decorative thin-layer plasters, which are applied in coats of 1 to 3 mm thickness, contain aggregate. Resin is their binder and thanks to that they are more elastic and resistant to damages than other decorative plasters. The can be washed - without a risk of damage. They are available in a wide range of colours and can be used not only for exterior purposes like plinths or areas around windows and doors, but also for interior ones e.g. in corridors or stair cases.


The most important is a stable substrate  
The first and most important stage is an appropriate substrate preparation. In practice, it means that the surface of exterior walls should be painstakingly cleaned, and at the same time durable, dry, smooth and ideally smooth. It’s essential, as mosaic plasters are applied with a thin layer - all irregularities and cracks can prevent it from firm adhesion do the substrate and correct distribution. Here another remark must be pointed out! Prior to plaster application, it is necessary to prime the substrate with a product of the same manufacturer, by following its instructions - use of another manufacturer’s product shall void the warranty.

Plaster compound must be used within time specified by the manufacturer - generally approx. 12 months. We must remember about its appropriate storage - the product must be protected against both very low and high temperatures (so that they do not destroy the resin).

Application conditions 

Another stage is choice of application conditions. When we apply mosaic plaster, the day should be cloudless and preferably without any major gusts of wind. To make sure that the weather is favourable for us, it’s worth going online and view a product card and click the "Check the weather" module - we can be provided with accurate information whether application can be performed on a particular day. Why is it so important? It’s necessary to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to prevent the plaster from cracks and ensure suitable curing conditions.

How to apply mosaic plaster?

Application of mosaic plaster, after carrying out preparation works, is not difficult at all. We need to combine aggregate with resin - mix the ingredients in a container by taking advantage of a mixing driller. We shouldn't be surprised, that initially it won’t look attractive (grey compound) - after it has cured, we will be able to see colours and light reflections. How does a mosaic plaster application look like?

It’s best to use trowel and spatula, similar to application of other plasters or putties. In small quantities, one direction and without intervals - otherwise joining edges will be visible. Remember also about a protective uniform - resin is difficult to remove later.

Mosaic plaster can also be applied mechanically - spraying method - equipment must be equipped with a nozzle suitable for application of this type of material. It’s recommended to hire an expert.


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